Welcome to the Exclusive Collection of Inspirational and Motivational Quotes by Gino Norris. Do note that All my work is exclusively copyright and NO Commercial Gain of any kind is allowed.

Every weakness shapes its solution

Every weakness shapes its solution

gino norris

You WILL be determined – by the container you choose to create or that have shaped your being.

If you want something resolved – look at what brought you to that conclusion. How you break down, understand and reformulate that process, gives you clear indication of how each component can be addressed and to explore that various options you have as alternatives – to try

When you explore and find an option that has the capacity to become a solution for a particular component, you can move on to the next component and try its alternative. In this process of elimination you can put the previous pieces together into a final solution – and thus shape that weakness into a complete solution – of your own making

It is just looking at things from a different viewpoint.

You use that weakness and find the strengths that is required to change that weakness, seeing the options to bring those strengths about and choosing the final solution from there.
