Welcome to the Exclusive Collection of Inspirational and Motivational Quotes by Gino Norris. Do note that All my work is exclusively copyright and NO Commercial Gain of any kind is allowed.

#5. Things we care about we cannot keep

Things we care about we cannot keep

gino norris

And that more so include the world of the living and not just inanimate things (without life-force).

As we give care, understanding and love to someone or something, we can only ever give with the
understanding and mutual consent that our giving will be reciprocated in kind.

Unconsciously we agree to this…

As our care continues, we increasingly and more precariously, build this caring as a need to have some control over the relationship with someone or that something, though we know we cannot control that care or giving that we willingly give and expect the other will respond the way we want it to.

It is thus that we cannot control or own, or indeed keep, that which we care about.
